Wanted: touring accessories.


New member
Hey guys, opportunity has come up for me to make a 2 week trip from PA to Colorado on the ftr.

I’m looking for a rear luggage rack/box combo,

a side rack/bag,

and also a tank bag.



I like your style Burns as that trip has stellar possibilities. If I did that trip on an FTR I'd just need one box... a coffin to bury me when I got to CO. Would the Indian stuff not be an option? It's kinda pricy but fits and works. I like the Indian tank bag as it specifically fits over the hump on top of the 'tank'.


New member
I bought the Indian back rack and absolutely love it. I initially bought the tank bag and the bag custom designed to sit on the back rack, but felt like the back bag was too small to be useful so i kept the rack but returned both bags. I will say the tank bag seemed like incredible quality. So I plan to take a weather proof bag and just bungee it (tastefully) to the back rack.


Active member
I used the Grab handle to strap down a racepack and used the side back for additional fuel and some tools.
The Racepack is good for a two weeks trip. I now have the luggage rack to put rain clothes separately on the rear.
Tool_10.jpg Tool_11.jpg


Active member
I have the 2liter canister from Fuelfriend and the Hünersdorff filler plug (both from Louis). A second 2 liter can would fit into the bag but 2 liters are enough hopefully :).